Refund Policy

How can I return my Hapbee device?

We offer a 100-day money-back guarantee that allows you to return your undamaged Hapbee device for any reason. In order to receive a refund, you must initiate the return within 100 days of the purchase date.

    Please follow these steps to return your Hapbee device:
  • 1. Email within 100 days of purchasing the product to initiate the return.
  • 2. You will receive a prepaid shipping label, the cost of which will be taken from the refund. Make sure to use the prepaid shipping label from us so we can track your return and you can receive your refund.
  • 3. You must mail your Hapbee device in its original packaging within 2 weeks of receiving the prepaid shipping label.
  • 4. The refund will be processed when your Hapbee device is received. Any items that are damaged when we receive them are not eligible for a refund. Please note that credit card refunds may take up to 2-5 business days for your bank to complete, depending on their processing times.

When does the 100-day money-back guarantee start?

The 100-day money-back guarantee starts at purchase. In order to receive a refund, you must initiate the return within 100days of the purchase date. Please follow the steps above to initiate a return.

I received a Hapbee device as a gift. Can I return it and receive a refund?

You may return the Hapbee device, but the refund can only be given to the original purchaser. Please follow the steps above to initiate a return.

You said I have a 30-day trial membership. Why can’t I return my Hapbee device within 100 days?

The 30-day trial membership is different from the 100-day money-back guarantee (see above). The 30-day trial membership allows you to experience having a Hapbee membership. Being a Hapbee member gives you unlimited access to all of the signals.

After your 60-day trial membership is over, maintain your Hapbee membership with a monthly subscription so that you don’t lose access to your favorite signals. If you do not choose to continue being a Hapbee member, you will only have access to the rotating signal of the month. In order to get the most out of your Hapbee device, we recommend maintaining your Hapbee membership.

I already paid for my Hapbee device. Why do I have to pay for Hapbee membership as well?

When it comes to subscriptions, we advise strongly never to buy a technology product that does not have a subscription model. This model is the only way for a company like ours to reinvest in innovation and R&D. It allows us to add dozens of new signals to each member over time for the same price.

A subscription model also allows us to advance the technology and help you get a better product long-term. Be wary of devices that charge a one-time fee and profit off of the sale of the product because they won’t care about customer service–and the product will become obsolete hardware very soon.

For any additional questions, please contact us at or utilize the Help chat feature in the lower right-hand corner of this page. Our team is typically online from 8 AM to 5 PM PST.